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A Dentist in Greenfield Has 3 Tips for Ordering Coffee

July 17, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — AdvancedDental @ 9:35 pm

Two cups of coffee at coffee shopIf you are like many Americans, you probably enjoy starting your morning off with a hot cup of coffee. According to a survey commissioned by the National Coffee Association, 64% of American adults reported having a cup of coffee the previous day, the highest level in six years. However, coffee has evolved a lot in the past 20 years. Today, depending on what you order, you may not only be getting a jolt of caffeine with your coffee but a big dose of sugar as well. All that sugar can have serious consequences when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy. Thankfully, a dentist in Greenfield is here with 3 tips on how to order your coffee.

Why Sugary Coffee Drinks are Bad for Your Teeth

Most people are aware that treats like cake, ice cream or candy contain large amounts of sugar. However, although it may be less obvious, today’s sweet coffee drinks can also easily lead to tooth decay. Bacteria inside your mouth feeds on the sugar from sweet foods and drinks to create acids that destroy the tooth enamel. Without the protective outer layer of your tooth, cavities can more easily form and progress deeper, causing pain and potentially leading to tooth loss.

3 Tips to Follow When Ordering Coffee

The next time you are standing in line at your local coffee shop, keep these 3 tips from your dentist in mind to help prevent cavities:

  • Skip the Syrup – Vanilla, caramel, cinnamon, hazelnut – the list goes on and on when it comes to syrups available today that you can add to your coffee. However, did you know that the primary ingredient of many coffee syrups is sugar? Skip the syrups if you want to protect your teeth from cavities. If you can’t imagine giving up the extra flavor boost, stick to sugar-free syrup options only.
  • Less is More – This may seem like simple advice, but consider switching to a smaller cup size. Today’s cups have grown to be enormous – do you really need 20 or even 30 ounces of coffee each morning? If you drink coffee with sugar, switching to a smaller cup size means you will automatically be consuming less sugar. Less sugar means less of a chance that cavities will form on your teeth.
  • Back to Basics – The creative coffee concoctions enjoyed today are visually appealing and light up your taste buds – for good reason! All that whipped cream, chocolate curls, molasses drizzle and more are loaded with sugar. Sometimes, the original version is also the best. The next time you visit your local barista, opt for regular black coffee or a traditional latte with low-fat or soy milk instead of the latest extravagant coffee trend.

By following this practical advice when you order your morning cup of coffee, you can help keep your smile cavity-free!

About the Practice

The qualified and caring team at Advanced Dental Treatment Center is committed to creating healthy teeth and gums by promoting dental prevention. If you want more tips on how to keep your teeth healthy in between dental checkups, visit their website today or call the office at +1 414-209-7463.